Autoconectado - Etioca seeks to revolutionise the taxi sector with “Miner”
Etioca Holding is an international company based in Gibraltar that has recently visited Madrid with the aim of making its third stop of the ‘Etioca Road Show 2023 World Tour’ and to present its new electric taxi prototype, the Miner.
Madrid has hosted the third stop of the ‘Etioca Road Show 2023 World Tour’ in the car park of the Madrid Puerta de Atocha station; an event in which the international company based in Gibraltar has presented the new model of its electric taxi “Miner”, a vehicle with almost 5 meters long, 7 seats and an urban autonomy of up to 350 kilometres that will reach the streets from 2024.
It has been designed in Turin and presented in Madrid by Roberto Fiorello, current CEO of the company, and Mark Ishakov, founder and developer of Etioca in recent years.
A working prototype
The new Miner taxis have begun a world tour to introduce current taxi drivers to what could be their alternative vehicle for the future. With this second stop in Spain after having gone to Barcelona, Etioca presents this new model to taxi drivers as the revolution of sustainable mobility, with almost 5 meters long and up to 7 seats, it is a vehicle with quite striking conditions.
Unlike the current business model where taxi drivers and delivery companies have their own vehicles, Etioca proposes to establish a series of rates for the use of their vehicles, which start at 0.36 euro cents per kilometre covered in the most basic package. To this price we can add new advantages such as regular battery change, daily washing of the vehicle, insurance, maintenance and replacement in case of breakdown... Advantages that also add to the quality of the service that customers receive and the final price that users will be willing to pay for these advantages.
However, this product will not be available until 2024, the year for which interested taxi drivers can already pre-order. It is a proposal that is made after a previous analysis of the needs of the sector and that focuses its target on a new generation of entrepreneurs in the mobility sector who are no longer obliged to buy their own vehicles and can make use of services such as those offered by Etioca to have a car.
Etioca Road Show 2023 World Tour in Madrid
The stop of the ‘Etioca Road Show 2023 World Tour’ in Madrid is the third stop of the world tour and the second in Spain after the one held in Barcelona and has served as a great opportunity to hold meetings with the current representatives of the taxi sector and to open a conversation with the media.
It has also proved to be the perfect opportunity to showcase the services of “Anna”, a modular architecture-based platform that has been used to develop the Miner taxi range and which is capable of changing the configuration of vehicles in general to improve energy efficiency and achieve sustainability for all means of road transport.