El Debate - Etioca Miner This is the perfect taxi that we could soon see in Spain
It has been designed as the perfect taxi, with separate space for the driver and a cabin prepared for seven occupants.
The taxi sector is no stranger to the revolution affecting the automotive world. Perhaps it does not make much sense that for a service as specific as taxis, in which both interior space and comfort are valued, and which will most likely become autonomous in the medium term, conventional cars are being used.
This is a more expensive solution and uses vehicles that are often not well adapted to the service they are intended for.
An Israeli invention
The Etioca Miner, a prototype that has already been seen in the test phase in Barcelona and Madrid, promises to revolutionise the taxi sector.
It has very special conditions for this, such as its 4.95 metre long, 1.95 metre wide and 2 metres high bodywork. These dimensions allow it to offer a really spacious and very usable interior for use as a public service vehicle.
It also has an electric motor, a solution that takes up much less space than a conventional motor, leaving more room for the occupants, as the battery is located in the floor of the car.
Independent driver
The driver has a separate space, making it safe from theft while ensuring privacy for the occupants. The 165 hp engine is powered by an electric battery that ensures a range of 350 kilometres, all with a top speed of 150 kilometres/hour, allowing for trouble-free highway travel.
The battery is interchangeable, which means that the car does not have to be plugged in for hours, but it is as simple as removing one and inserting another.
Mark Ishakov, ingeniero israelí detrás del proyecto, asegura contar ya con una cartera de pedidos que justifican su producción tras haberlo presentado en Italia, España, Israel y Letonia. Se comercializa bajo un sistema de suscripción que incluye el mantenimiento, los lavados y los cambios de batería. Cuenta también con un sistema de autofinanciación, pues la carrocería se convierte en un perfecto soporte publicitario.