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Datafloq - Startup Etioca

Startup Etioca is eyeing a Nasdaq listing next year with the unveiling of an electric taxi.

Send Story - Start-up Etioca

Start-up Etioca sees Nasdaq listing next year as it unveils electric taxi.

Auto Co - Mark Ishakov presents Etioca

The Israeli entrepreneur Mark Ishakov presents Etioca - an electric vehicle for taxis and other uses, without buying or spending anything, payment only according to the distance traveled.

Yahoo!finance - Start-up Etioca

Start-up Etioca eyes Nasdaq listing next year as it unveils electric taxi.

ANSAcom - Etioca Taxi Miner

Etioca Taxi Miner, the revolution green of public cars

ANSA Motori - Etioca Taxi with Coggiola

Etioca Taxi, working with Coggiola for a definitive vehicle

ANSA Motori - Etioca Taxi Ecosystem

Etioca Taxi, ecosystem grows by aiming for design excellence

ANSA A&E - Etioca Prototype

In Milan the first Etioca prototype, a multiservice electric taxi

La Repubblica - Giugiaro strikes again

Giugiaro strikes again: here is his taxi of the future

Italian Tech - Giugiaro strikes again

Giugiaro strikes again: here is his taxi of the future

La Stampa - Giugiaro strikes again

Giugiaro strikes again: here is his taxi of the future

Il Secolo XIX - Giugiaro strikes again

Giugiaro strikes again: here is his taxi of the future

Il Piccolo - Giugiaro strikes again

Giugiaro strikes again: here is his taxi of the future

Messaggero Veneto - Giugiaro strikes again

Giugiaro strikes again: here is his taxi of the future

La Tribuna - Giugiaro strikes again

Giugiaro strikes again: here is his taxi of the future

La Provincia - Giugiaro strikes again

Giugiaro strikes again: here is his taxi of the future

La Nuova - Giugiaro strikes again

Giugiaro strikes again: here is his taxi of the future

Gazzetta di Mantova - Giugiaro strikes again

Giugiaro strikes again: here is his taxi of the future


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